Living Today; Planning for Tomorrow

LifeLine of Ohio
The week of October 14-20, 2012 marks the celebration of “Advance Directives Week.” Many Ohioans have not made their choices for end-of-life care known. Numerous organizations including hospitals throughout Ohio will recognize “Advance Directives Week” with educational seminars and informational sessions to ensure adults make an appropriate decision for their own lives.

In the state of Ohio, do not resuscitate orders, living wills, powers of attorney and organ, eye and tissue donation intentions are all advance directives. You are able to declare your intent to donate organs, eye and tissue upon your death by clicking here.

Lifeline of Ohio encourages all Ohioans to take some time this week to complete the necessary documents and to discuss their decisions with their families and friends. Ohioans can fill out these forms and give them to trusted family members, lawyers, physicians and others. To learn more about living wills and advance directives please visit the Ohio Hospital Association’s website.

For those in other states, please check with Organ Donor .gov or Donate Life America to learn how to register as a donor.


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