How economics Nobel winner Roth sparked a kidney donor revolution
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Roth and fellow laureate, the mathematician, Lloyd Shapley, have seen their groundbreaking work used in such diverse areas as matching up employers with job seekers, doctors with residency programs, and students with schools.
But arguably its greatest impact has been matching kidney donors to patients in a system that was first applied in New England hospitals under the New England Program for Kidney Exchange (NEPKE), a scheme Roth helped found in 2004-2005.
The computerised pairing of groups of donors and patients that Rothâs models inspired has revolutionized the way kidney transplants are handled in the United States and has actually increased the possible number of transplants.
Throughout the United States nearly 2,000 patients have received kidneys under the system developed on Roth and Shapleyâs models that would otherwise not have received them, according to Ruthanne Hanto, who has worked with Roth since 2005 after being co-opted to manage NEPKE.
New York: For Alvin Roth, joint winner of the 2012 Nobel prize for economics, studying the economy is about finding real-life solutions for real-life questions and never more so than in a revolutionary new system to match kidney donors with patients.
Roth and fellow laureate, the mathematician, Lloyd Shapley, have seen their groundbreaking work used in such diverse areas as matching up employers with job seekers, doctors with residency programs, and students with schools.
But arguably its greatest impact has been matching kidney donors to patients in a system that was first applied in New England hospitals under the New England Program for Kidney Exchange (NEPKE), a scheme Roth helped found in 2004-2005.
The computerised pairing of groups of donors and patients that Rothâs models inspired has revolutionized the way kidney transplants are handled in the United States and has actually increased the possible number of transplants.
Throughout the United States nearly 2,000 patients have received kidneys under the system developed on Roth and Shapleyâs models that would otherwise not have received them, according to Ruthanne Hanto, who has worked with Roth since 2005 after being co-opted to manage NEPKE.
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