Presidential Proclamation -- National Donate Life Month, 2013
The White House NATIONAL DONATE LIFE MONTH, 2013 - - - - - - - BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION Today, more than 115,000 men, women, and children are on the waiting list for an organ transplant. To help them get the care they need, millions of Americans choose to be organ and tissue donors -- a decision that reflects not only profound generosity, but also our commitment to one another. During National Donate Life Month, we renew the call for organ and tissue donation. Most people can be donors, and the need is great. I encourage Americans of every background to learn the facts about organ and tissue donation, consider signing up for their State's registry, and talk to family and friends about their decision. Information and resources about how to get involved are available at Together, we can respond to the donor shortage that keeps thousands of patients from getting life-saving care. Let us mark this month by rededicating ourselve...