Theological Perspective on Organ and Tissue Donation

Donate Life California

When someone we know dies, it can call attention to the importance of the spiritual dimension of life. And when faced with the decision of organ and tissue donation during the trauma of a loved one's death, a person's religion suddenly becomes very important. As the decision is being made, the question often arises, "What is my religion’s stance on organ and tissue donation?" Most people are not aware of their religious group's doctrine or position regarding organ and tissue donation. As a result, the decision maker often looks to a faith leader or hospital chaplain for an informed answer.

FACT: Nearly all religious groups support organ and tissue donation and transplantation as long as it does not impede the life or hasten the death of the donor.

Research into the positions of various religious groups reveals the underlying attitude that unless the group has taken action to prohibit organ or tissue donation and transplantation, it is usually assumed that such donation is permissible. Donation is encouraged as a charitable act that saves or enhances life; therefore, it requires no action on the part of the religious group. Although this is a passive approach to affirming organ and tissue donation and transplantation, it seems to be the position of a large population of the religious community. Some groups have taken a more proactive stance in recent years, feeling that a resolution or adopted position encourages people to seriously consider the matter and to plan accordingly. Donation appears to be growing, with very few religious groups actively opposing it.

All Faith Leaders are encouraged to research his or her religious group's tradition and position on organ and tissue donation and transplantation, as well as other biomedical ethical issues. In addition, each faith leader should keep abreast of any new resolutions or positions adopted at his or her religious group's national assembly. The group's position is also subject to change. It is important to be informed, since the family members who are suddenly faced with making a decision concerning organ and tissue donation of a loved one may depend on the faith leader to know the position held by their religious group. Inability to make an informed decision could leave the family members with a feeling of guilt regardless of the decision they may make.

The following summary of statements concerning various religious groups' positions on organ and tissue donation and transplantation may be of help to you. Perhaps you can assist your religious group adopt a more clearly defined position. A proactive position does, indeed, help clarify a group's attitude on the subject.

Your knowledge and action may help alleviate the suffering of the thousands of people who die annually for lack of available donor organs and tissue while a multitude of healthy organs are being buried every day. This dilemma itself is an ethical issue.
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