"Is it fair to take if you don't give? Organ donors could jump transplant waiting list under NHS plans to boost donations

Daily Mail | Becky Evans
Patients registered as organ donors may be given a higher priority on the transplant waiting list under plans being looked at by the NHS.

NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) is looking at whether a priority system may boost the numbers of people willing to donate their organs.

It is one of a number of proposals being considered in a new strategy document to increase organ donation in Britain.

Currently more than 1,000 people die every year in Britain while waiting for an organ.

Sally Johnson, Director of Organ Donation and Transplantation at NHSBT told the BBC: 'We need to have a serious debate in our society about our attitudes - is it fair to take if you won't give?

'Is it acceptable that three people die a day in need of an organ? Is it right to allow our organs to be buried or cremated with us when they could save or improve the lives of up to nine people?'

The priority system has already boosted donation levels in Israel and Singapore.

More than 19million people are registered on the donation list in the UK but most will either die in ways where donation is not possible, while some will have consent refused by grieving loved ones.

Other ideas being considered include stopping families from overriding the consent of patients who have signed the organ donor register.
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"You have the power to SAVE lives." 
To register as a donor TODAY
In California: 
www.donateLIFEcalifornia.org | www.doneVIDAcalifornia.org 
Outside California: 
www.organdonor.gov | www.donatelife.net


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