Local organ donors to be honored at Rose Parade

KTBS | Erin Buchanan 
MINDEN, La. -Today was just one stop along the way in a 'Journey of the Heart', a mission to honor and remember those who've saved lives through the loss of their own.

"The neat process about donation is it's not just the donor. Anyone can donate. It's about the recipient in need, it's what you need to survive and make your life better," says Elizabeth Fox, whose husband - David - died of a massive heart attack 8 years ago.

David, of El Dorado, AR, was a longtime resident of Minden. He was one of three donors whose families were on hand at Minden Medical Center for a special ceremony to honor their memory.

"We worked a lot with children in the community and we knew the need of organ donation," Elizabeth says.

Ryan Viator, from Lafayette, died in April of 2000 at the age of 20. He's since saved three lives through the donation of his two kidneys and liver.

"It feels like we're being brought back together with him, you know, at this time," says Ryan's mother, Shawnie.

David, Ryan and Brittney Cail, who lost her life after a car crash near New Orleans, will all be memorialized during the Rose Parade in Pasadena, CA on January 1st. Their portraits, along with 69 others, will line the Donate Life float.


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