What is National Minority Donor Awareness Week and why is it important?
Donate Life America
Fifty-six percent of those on the national organ transplant waiting list are minorities. In 2012 11,309 minority patients received organ transplants; while there were 2,762 minority deceased donors and 1,711 minority living donors.
In 2012, there were:
In 2012, there were:
- 5,590 Black organ transplant recipients and 1,980 Black donors.
- 3,943 Hispanic organ transplant recipients and 1,836 Hispanic donors.
- 1,393 Asian organ transplant recipients and 428 Asian donors.
- Ethnic minorities are in desperate need of more organ and tissue donors.
- There are more than 66,000 minority individuals [this number includes Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, American Indians, Pacific Islanders and people of multiracial decent] registered on the U.S. organ transplant waiting list.
- Minorities comprise 56 percent of individuals on the national organ transplant waiting list and 32 percent of living and deceased organ donors, while making up 36 percent of the U.S. population.
- Many of the conditions leading to the need for a transplant -- such as diabetes and hypertension -- occur with greater frequency among minority populations.
- Tragically, every 10 minutes another patient is added to the waiting list and 18 people die each day due to lack of organ donors.
- Tell family and friends about your decision to Donate Life. Ask them to get the facts, and consider registering as a donor.
- Go to www.donatelife.net for tips and tools for educating members of your community about the lifesaving gift of organ, eye and tissue donation. These may include:
- Placing articles in newsletters
- Hanging posters around the community and your workplace
- Handing out brochures
- Including flyers in church bulletins
- Using www.donatelife.net web banners on your personal or organizational Website
- Wearing Donate Life lapel pins, awareness band and other gear.
"You have the power to SAVE lives."
To register as a donor TODAY
In California:
www.donateLIFEcalifornia.org | www.doneVIDAcalifornia.org
Outside California:
www.organdonor.gov | www.donatelife.net
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